You An Easy Hacker Target? (Infographic)
much do you know about computer security? Did you know that without a firewall
or anti virus protection, your computer is like an open book for prying eyes?
In no way do I intend to scare you, but unfortunately it’s the honest truth. In
today’s world, where everything is computerized, anyone is a potential hacker
target. Even multinational corporations feel the wrath of hackers every once in
a while. The Internet is a mad creation when you start thinking in these
mere thought of being a hacker target is probably enough for most people to
stay off the Internet altogether. Some people don’t even want to use their
credit card in fear that they will run the risk of having it hijacked. There
are few things that feel as violating as having your identity snatched in front
of your eyes. The scary thing is that there is almost nothing you can do about
it to protect yourself once it has happened. All that’s left to do is block and
cancel all your cards and get new ones. It’s not a very fun endeavour. It’s
like having your entire life suspended until you get your new cards.
you know you have a 69% chance of becoming a hacker target throughout your
life? It’s a scary thought, isn’t it? To further scare the pants off of you,
47% of all identity theft is committed by someone who the victim knows. So how
is that possible, and how do they do it? If we continue to talk identity theft
statistics, it boils down to 60% of victims having their computer or trash
raided. Only 15% of identity theft is committed through hacker targets getting
their wallets stolen.
order to protect yourself, the best thing you can do is to study and learn the
ways hackers operate. You can significantly lower the risk of becoming a target
by having a look at a fresh infographic presented by Solera
Networks called Are
You A Hacker’s Target? You will be able to learn the different
methods they use, and by learning those, you can become a little more aware.
The one rule to always remember is that you can never be too cautious.
Infographic by Solera
Via: (
Top image via VentureBeat
(Source: Bit
Rebels. Edited).
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